GuixSD Erasure Install Script

I want to share my full Guix configuration (including FDE, Secure Boot, a SOPS-esque Secrets scheme, safe(?) hibernation w/ ZFS-on-Root, Plymouth, 2FA, and some hot takes on functional package management / updating workflows), but feature creep currently prevents me. When I've polished a framework, I'll share it.

The quickest way to get my cheap hacks knowledge out into the world for now is to adapt an existing script for an Impermanent NixOS install. I've made the minimum changes necessary for an impermanent ZFS-on-Root installation, and have omitted (but clearly marked) substantial aspects. I don't yet have auto-scrub or auto-snapshot (for which I'd personally use Sanoid), and do not endorse including passwords hashes directly in the store as is done here.

I made this at 2AM by opening the script on one side, copying out of my configuration on the other, and have not tested it. This is purely for illustrative purposes. Probably missing some parens. I have not included any context, explanations, or my usual friendly presentation as I am frustrated with my schedule and really just wanted to have something to put out there. I will say that it's not as smooth as on NixOS, but not unachievable. It just needs some work put into it.

Misc Notes:

Heavily based on Sage Mitchell's Github Gist, licence unknown.

Copyright (C) 2023 antlers <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; If not, see <>
#!/usr/bin/env -S guix shell --pure bash coreutils zfs --

# GuixSD install script synthesized from:
#   - mx00s's (
#   - Erase Your Darlings (
#   - ZFS Datasets for NixOS (
#   - NixOS Manual (
# It expects the name of the block device (e.g. 'sda') to partition
# and install GuixSD on and an authorized public ssh key to log in as
# 'root' remotely. The script must also be executed as root.
# Example: `sudo ./ sde "ssh-rsa AAAAB..."`

set -euo pipefail


export COLOR_RESET="\033[0m"
export RED_BG="\033[41m"
export BLUE_BG="\033[44m"

function err {
    echo -e "${RED_BG}$1${COLOR_RESET}"

function info {
    echo -e "${BLUE_BG}$1${COLOR_RESET}"


export DISK=$1

if ! [[ -v DISK ]]; then
    err "Missing argument. Expected block device name, e.g. 'sda'"
    exit 1

export DISK_PATH="/dev/${DISK}"

if ! [[ -b "$DISK_PATH" ]]; then
    err "Invalid argument: '${DISK_PATH}' is not a block special file"
    exit 1

if ! [[ -v AUTHORIZED_SSH_KEY ]]; then
    err "Missing argument. Expected public SSH key, e.g. 'ssh-rsa AAAAB...'"
    exit 1

if [[ "$EUID" > 0 ]]; then
    err "Must run as root"
    exit 1

export ZFS_POOL="rpool"

# ephemeral datasets
export ZFS_LOCAL="${ZFS_POOL}/local"
export ZFS_DS_ROOT="${ZFS_LOCAL}/root"
export ZFS_DS_GUIX="${ZFS_LOCAL}/guix"
export ZFS_DS_VAR_GUIX="${ZFS_LOCAL}/var-guix"

# persistent datasets
export ZFS_SAFE="${ZFS_POOL}/safe"
export ZFS_DS_HOME="${ZFS_SAFE}/home"
export ZFS_DS_PERSIST="${ZFS_SAFE}/persist"



info "Running the UEFI (GPT) partitioning and formatting directions from the NixOS manual ..."
parted "$DISK_PATH" -- mklabel gpt
parted "$DISK_PATH" -- mkpart primary 512MiB 100%
parted "$DISK_PATH" -- mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 512MiB
parted "$DISK_PATH" -- set 2 boot on

info "Formatting boot partition ..."
mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot "$DISK_PART_BOOT"

info "Creating '$ZFS_POOL' ZFS pool for '$DISK_PART_ROOT' ..."
zpool create -f "$ZFS_POOL" "$DISK_PART_ROOT"

info "Enabling compression for '$ZFS_POOL' ZFS pool ..."
zfs set compression=on "$ZFS_POOL"

info "Creating '$ZFS_DS_ROOT' ZFS dataset ..."
zfs create -p -o mountpoint=legacy "$ZFS_DS_ROOT"

info "Configuring extended attributes setting for '$ZFS_DS_ROOT' ZFS dataset ..."
zfs set xattr=sa "$ZFS_DS_ROOT"

info "Configuring access control list setting for '$ZFS_DS_ROOT' ZFS dataset ..."
zfs set acltype=posixacl "$ZFS_DS_ROOT"

info "Creating '$ZFS_BLANK_SNAPSHOT' ZFS snapshot ..."
zfs snapshot "$ZFS_BLANK_SNAPSHOT"

info "Mounting '$ZFS_DS_ROOT' to /mnt/guix ..."
mkdir /mnt/guix
mount -t zfs "$ZFS_DS_ROOT" /mnt/guix

info "Mounting '$DISK_PART_BOOT' to /mnt/guix/boot ..."
mkdir /mnt/guix/boot
mount -t vfat "$DISK_PART_BOOT" /mnt/guix/boot

info "Creating '$ZFS_DS_GUIX' ZFS dataset ..."
zfs create -p -o mountpoint=legacy "$ZFS_DS_GUIX"

info "Disabling access time setting for '$ZFS_DS_GUIX' ZFS dataset ..."
zfs set atime=off "$ZFS_DS_GUIX"

info "Mounting '$ZFS_DS_GUIX' to /mnt/guix/gnu ..."
mkdir /mnt/guix/gnu
mount -t zfs "$ZFS_DS_GUIX" /mnt/guix/gnu

info "Creating '$ZFS_DS_VAR_GUIX' ZFS dataset ..."
zfs create -p -o mountpoint=legacy "$ZFS_DS_VAR_GUIX"

info "Mounting '$ZFS_DS_VAR_GUIX' to /mnt/guix/var/guix ..."
mkdir -p /mnt/guix/var/guix
mount -t zfs "$ZFS_DS_VAR_GUIX" /mnt/guix/var/guix

info "Creating '$ZFS_DS_HOME' ZFS dataset ..."
zfs create -p -o mountpoint=legacy "$ZFS_DS_HOME"

info "Mounting '$ZFS_DS_HOME' to /mnt/guix/home ..."
mkdir /mnt/guix/home
mount -t zfs "$ZFS_DS_HOME" /mnt/guix/home

info "Creating '$ZFS_DS_PERSIST' ZFS dataset ..."
zfs create -p -o mountpoint=legacy "$ZFS_DS_PERSIST"

info "Mounting '$ZFS_DS_PERSIST' to /mnt/guix/persist ..."
mkdir /mnt/guix/persist
mount -t zfs "$ZFS_DS_PERSIST" /mnt/guix/persist

info "Permit ZFS auto-snapshots on ${ZFS_SAFE}/* datasets ..."
zfs set com.sun:auto-snapshot=true "$ZFS_DS_HOME"
zfs set com.sun:auto-snapshot=true "$ZFS_DS_PERSIST"

info "Creating persistent directory for host SSH keys ..."
mkdir -p /mnt/guix/persist/etc/ssh

info "Enter password for the root user ..."
ROOT_PASSWORD_HASH="$(mkpasswd -m sha-512 | sed 's/\$/\\$/g')"

info "Enter personal user name ..."

info "Enter password for '${USER_NAME}' user ..."
USER_PASSWORD_HASH="$(mkpasswd -m sha-512 | sed 's/\$/\\$/g')"

info "Writing GuixSD configuration to /persist/guix-config/config.scm ..."
cat <<EOF > /mnt/guix/persist/guix-config/config.scm
;; -*- mode: scheme; -*-
;; This is an operating system configuration template
;; for a "desktop" setup with Xfce where the root
;; partition is on ZFS and rolled back to @blank
;; before boot.

(use-modules (gnu) (gnu system nss) (guix utils))
(use-service-modules desktop sddm)
(use-package-modules certs gnome)

;; This is our first monkey-patch.
(set! (@ (gnu system file-systems) %pseudo-file-system-types)
  (cons "zfs" %pseudo-file-system-types))

(define %initrd/pre-mount
  (with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
                          '((guix build syscalls)
                            (guix build utils)))
        (use-modules (gnu build file-systems)
                     (gnu build linux-boot)
                     ((guix build syscalls)
                      #:hide (file-system-type))
                     (guix build utils))

        ;; XXX: Major Hack! Enables mounting ZFS datasets via legacy mountpoints.
        (let ((orig (@ (gnu build file-systems) canonicalize-device-spec)))
          (set! (@ (gnu build file-systems) canonicalize-device-spec)
            (lambda (spec)
              (let ((device (if (file-system-label? spec)
                                (file-system-label->string spec)
                (if (and (string? device)
                         (char-set-contains? char-set:letter (string-ref device 0))
                         (#$%initrd/import-device-zpool device))
                    (orig spec))))))

        ;; In my actual config this is where I run plymouth and decrypt keyfiles
        ;; (but call `load-key' in a per-dataset loop below).

(define %initrd/import-device-zpool
  #~(lambda (device)
      (let ((zpool (substring device 0 (or (string-index device #\/) 0)))
            (present? (lambda (device)
                        (and (not (zero? (string-length device)))
                             (zero? (system* #$(file-append zfs "/sbin/zfs")
                                             "list" device))))))
        (unless (or (zero? (string-length zpool))
                    (present? device))
          (invoke #$(file-append zfs "/sbin/zpool") "import" zpool)

          ;; Here's where the rollback happens.
          ;; In my actual config I have an ugly loop that handles multiple
          ;; zpools and decryption via load-key, hence the more dynamic parsing
          ;; above.
          ;; We're just gonna do this for illustrative purposes:
          (when (equal? zpool "zpool")
            (system* #$(file-append zfs "/sbin/zfs")
                     "rollback" "zpool/local/root@blank"))))))

(define (%initrd file-systems . kwargs)
  (apply raw-initrd
    (cons file-systems
          (substitute-keyword-arguments kwargs
            ((#:linux linux)
            ((#:pre-mount pre-mount #t)
             #~(begin #$%initrd/pre-mount

(define %users
  (cons (user-account
                  (name "${USER_NAME}")
                  (id 1000) ; Put a pin in this.
                  (password "${USER_PASSWORD_HASH}")
                  (supplementary-groups '("wheel" "netdev"
                                          "audio" "video")))

  (host-name "antelope")
  (timezone "America/Los_Angeles")
  (locale "en_US.utf8")

  ;; Use the UEFI variant of GRUB with the EFI System
  ;; Partition mounted on /boot/efi.
  (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
                (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader)
                (targets '("/boot/efi"))))

  ;; ====================
  ;; ====================
  ;; The kernel package needs to have the ZFS module either built-in or in
  ;; its `modules' output. This is left as an exercise to the reader because
  ;; my current solution involves building the kernel several times,
  ;; desperately needs re-worked, and is too long / abstracted to
  ;; include here. Said monstrosity also ensures that the ZFS module
  ;; is built against the correct kernel by setting the package's `#:linux'
  ;; argument.
  (kernel #;OMITTED)
  (initrd %initrd)

  ;; The rest of the neccessary ZFS bits and bobs *are* included.
    (cons "zfs" %base-initrd-modules))

  (file-systems (append
                 (list (file-system
                         (mount-point "/")
                         (device "rpool/local/root")
                         (type "zfs"))
                       (map (match-lambda
                              ((d mp)
                                 (mount-point mp)
                                 (device d)
                                 (type "zfs")
                                 (needed-for-boot? #t))))
                            '(("rpool/local/root"     . "/")
                              ("rpool/local/guix"     . "/gnu")
                              ("rpool/local/var-guix" . "/var/guix")
                              ("rpool/safe/home"      . "/home")
                              ("rpool/safe/persist"   . "/persist")))
                         (mount-point "/boot")
                         (device (uuid "6f62e623-5aa9-4681-a6da-9e0a68e7fbfb"))
                         (type "ext4"))
                         (device (uuid "1234-ABCD" 'fat))
                         (mount-point "/boot/efi")
                         (type "vfat")))

  (users %users)

  (packages (append (list
                      nss-certs ;; for HTTPS access
                      gvfs)     ;; for user mounts

  (services (cons* (service xfce-desktop-service-type)
                   (simple-service 'zfs-mod-loader
                   (simple-service 'zfs-udev-rules
                   ;; Some directories may have already been populated by other
                   ;; activation services on first run, so the function below
                   ;; will move them into /persist before creating a symlink.
                   ;; I've thought about doing this in the initfs, but I don't
                   ;; think we have a hook between file-system-mounts and
                   ;; activation so we'd have to mount/unmount the datsets
                   ;; ourselves ahead of when Guix mounts them...
                   (simple-service 'symlink-activation activation-service-type
                     (with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
                                             '((guix build utils)))
                           (use-modules (ice-9 match)
                                        (guix build utils))
                           (map (lambda (lst)
                                  (apply (lambda* (dest src #:optional mode user group)
                                           (let ((users '#$(map (lambda (u) (cons (user-account-name u) (user-account-uid u)))
                                                 (groups '#$(map (lambda (g) (cons (user-group-name g) (user-group-id g)))
                                                 (get-id (lambda (name file)
                                                           (let* ((port (open-pipe* OPEN_READ #$(file-append gawk "/bin/gawk")
                                                                                    "-F:" "$1 == NAME {print $3}" (string-append "NAME=" name)
                                                                  (str (read-line port)))
                                                             (close-pipe port)
                                                             (string->number str)))))
                                             (unless (or (not user) (number? user))
                                               (set! user (or (assoc-ref users user)
                                                              (get-id user "/etc/passwd"))))
                                             (unless (or (not group) (number? group))
                                               (set! group (or (assoc-ref groups group)
                                                               (get-id group "/etc/group")))))

                                           ;; src->dest = persist->root-fs, like a symlink:
                                           (mkdir-p (dirname dest))
                                           (let ((perms-target (if src src dest))
                                                 (tempfile (string-append dest ".tmp")))
                                             (if (string-suffix? "/" perms-target)
                                                 (mkdir-p perms-target)
                                                 (mkdir-p (dirname perms-target)))
                                             (when (and src (file-exists? dest))
                                               (unless (file-exists? src)
                                                 (copy-recursively dest src
                                                                   #:keep-permissions? #t))
                                               (delete-file-recursively dest))
                                             (when src
                                               (when (file-exists? tempfile)
                                                 (delete-file tempfile))
                                               (symlink src tempfile)
                                               (rename-file tempfile dest))
                                             (when (file-exists? perms-target)
                                               (chown perms-target (or user -1) (or group -1))
                                               (when mode (chmod perms-target mode)))))
                             ;; Fresh parent directories and omitted modes default to '#o755 root:root'.
                             ;; TODO: Please use the specified permissions for fresh parent directories.
                             '(("/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections" "/persist/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/")
                               ("/etc/machine-id"                        "/persist/etc/machine-id" #o644)
                               ("/etc/ssh"                               "/persist/etc/ssh/")
                               ;; Vim won't start without =/var/tmp=.
                               ("/var/tmp"                               #f))))))

info "Installing GuixSD to /mnt/guix ..."
guix init /mnt/guix/persist/guix-config/config.scm /mnt/guix

Date: 2023-08-12 02:01